Hey Boo,
I’m so glad you’re here!
Seriously. I wish we were out to lunch, chatting face to face.
I can see it now. We’d laugh until we cried, I’d tell you that I love your shoes and you’d point out the spinach stuck in my teeth (a sign of any true friendship).
Then maybe we’d start talking about the ups and downs of being human. You might share the goals and dreams you have for the future. Perhaps you’d even confide in me that you’re really struggling right now and feel overwhelmed but don’t know where to turn for help.
I know for sure I’d say to you, “Friend, I know it doesn’t feel like it but, everything’s going to be okay. Can I tell you what has helped me?”
I’d go on to tell you about a time in my own life when it didn’t feel like everything was going to be okay.
And it would be true, because a few years ago I was struggling hard core. I felt completely overwhelmed by life despite how many things I felt I was doing “right”.
On top of being a wife and mom to three kids, my husband was in medical residency (aka never home), I was working in a demanding environment, I had a very involved job at church, I was doing all I could to help someone very close to me who was struggling with drug addiction, and I was doing it all while dealing with the struggles that come with having ADHD and depression.
I remember thinking, “I’m working so hard to do what’s “right” and yet I feel like I’m breaking.”
And that’s what happened...I broke. I started getting sick with virus after virus, I wasn’t sleeping well and I started having lots of weird symptoms. Numbness in my legs, arms and face. Sore throats, ringing in my ears, extreme dizziness, and deep debilitating fatigue. I went from running half marathons to struggling to even get out of bed.
Thank goodness that at the start of this downward spiral, I spoke to a dear friend who recommended a life coach to me. She said, “I know you’re thinking that it won’t help and life coaching isn’t legit but trust me.” So I did.
I trusted her and life coaching changed me forever.
I went on to go through some serious physical health issues and life coaching was critical in helping me through them (and still is).
I learned simple yet powerful ways to manage my mind and tools that I could apply immediately to help me navigate that challenging time.
It all made so much sense and as I applied what I learned, my life started to improve organically. It helped me in every area of my life. My marriage, mom guilt, overwhelm, setting boundaries, achieving goals, my relationship with God…everything.
I used to say over and over, “Why has no one taught me this before? Why isn’t this being screamed from the roof tops?!”
I seriously wanted to buy a megaphone, stand on the street corner, and announce, “Hey! I know the key to relieving your suffering, getting unstuck and finally progressing!”
(I know, I know. That would be weird;).
That was years ago and I still feel the same way. Except now, after years of applying this work in my own life, many hours of intense studying, training at the best life coach school in the world, and years of coaching others, I can teach you the tools that will change you too. No megaphone required:).
And you don’t have to be going through a crisis. Life Coaching can be applied to any area of your life. Whether it be questions about your faith, feeling like you’re stuck, struggles in a relationship or goals you want to pursue.
I sincerely believe that one of the greatest gifts one human can give to another is to share what has helped them through hard times.
To say, “I’ve been where you are, this is what I’ve learned, this is what helped me and I think it will help you too.”
That’s what life coaching is to me. My purpose and my joy.
I have enormous compassion for and a great passion for coaching women and teen girls with ADHD, people who experience chronic overwhelm, those who consider themselves to have busy brains, and people who want help navigating their faith based issues.
And it’s what you’ve been waiting for.
Oh, by the way, if you are interested in a more traditional timeline of my life and qualifications- here you go…
I was raised in small town Indiana with my five sisters (nope, no brothers:). I moved to Utah for college where I attended USU (Go Aggies!) and fell in love with my hubby and the mountains. I graduated with a degree in Public Relations and Corporate Communications and minored in Art History. I’ve worked in a variety of Communications roles over the years, have been married for 22 years and have three awesome kids. We’ve lived in Utah, Florida, Utah again, Pennsylvania and now Ohio. I’m certified through The Life Coach School and obtained Advanced Certified Coach Training in Faith Based Coaching through Jody Moore. But out of everything, my greatest qualifications will always be…
1) The change that’s taken place in my own life due to this work and
2) The sincere desire I have for you to experience it too.
Xo, Jody