How to Shape and Predict Your Own Future
I want you to imagine that I have psychic abilities (stay with me boo…). Imagine that I have a crystal ball and you trust completely in my extra sensory perception.
You have no doubt that whatever I see in my crystal ball regarding your life is true.You come to visit me and sit across from me at a small table. It's just you and me and a small, clear crystal ball.
You're a little nervous but also feel a sense of comfort, peace, and trust. You're confident that whatever I see will be accurate and that you'll leave armed with valuable information.
Before we begin, I ask you to tell me about your life, your concerns, your hopes, and your dreams.Then, I dim the lights, close my eyes, and place my hands over the crystal ball.
A comforting, warm glow starts to emanate from the crystal ball and you wait quietly in suspense. After a few minutes, I open my eyes and gaze into the ball. All you can see is a mist inside the sphere, but you know that I'm seeing much more.
You watch my facial expressions as I sometimes seem concerned and at other times sad, scared, excited, and ultimately, at peace.
Finally, a serene smile crosses my face, I lift my head, look at you, and say, “That was wonderful. You should be very excited about your life.”
As I stand to turn the lights up, you breathe a huge sigh of relief and ask, “What did you see?”
I sit back down and say, “Though I did not see everything, I saw much and here's what I know for sure…”
Everything you are currently worried about will work out in your favor. Worry only causes you unnecessary suffering in the present. Let go and trust the process. Watch in awe as solutions and answers come to you.
Those things you want to accomplish, will definitely happen though they will often unfold on a time table unlike the one you imagined. Release the pressure you feel to hurry. Hurry is not a useful emotion. You will not miss out on your opportunities to shine. They are inevitable. Simply keep taking the next right step. If you do this, you cannot fail.
You will have the strength to endure any challenges that come your way. Trust that the strength is within you and that peace will fill you even amidst trial. When struggles come and you start to feel anxious, say to yourself, “This is meant for me. It is my teacher and is guiding me down the path intended for me.”
The loved ones you're worried about are going to be okay. They are meant to experience challenge. They need it, not your worry. Worrying is not a useful emotion in these instances, no matter how dire the situation. Set it aside and focus on being a calming, listening presence for them and trust they are on the path they are meant to be on even if it doesn't look the way you want it to. You don't always know best and that's good news.
You will always have enough money. It will come from unexpected places and opportunities to use your talents to earn money will arise if you simply watch for them. Cast aside all self doubt. You are meant to experience abundance.
You will find moments of joy every day of your life. All you have to do is watch for them. Find it in other's laughter, in hugs, in kisses, in birds chirping, in the breeze, the flowers, the rain, your favorite song, a thoughtful text, in prayer, in art, in dancing and in all loving acts. It's all around you and yours for the taking. Open your eyes.
The people who are meant to help you on your life journey, will show up exactly when you need them. Sometimes they will fall into your lap and sometimes you will need to seek them. Trust that when you seek out help, your spirit will know the right person for whatever phase of life you're in. You will be lead to them.
You will learn to do things you enjoy simply because you feel like it. This will happen when you accept that your value as a human being will never change. No matter what you accomplish or fail at in your life, you are always 100% worthy of every good thing this life has to offer. You're priceless and that can't be earned. Let go of the need to do more and be more.
You will help countless people throughout your life. The ripple effect of even the smallest kind gesture, is immeasurable. You do not have to serve everyone and at every opportunity. Saying no is not a sin. Simply show up with love wherever you find yourself and you will fulfill your purpose.
After telling you these things, I say, “Lastly, I'm meant to tell you that if you knew the amount of goodness headed your way, you would weep happy tears from the depth of your soul. Expect it and trust that God/The Universe is always orchestrating delightful, meaningful experiences for you."
Next I ask you, “Now that you know all of these things and that they are inevitable, what do you think and feel about your life and your future.”
Friend, I want to ask you a similar question. What would you get to think and feel if you CHOSE to believe the above things (By the way, I really do believe these things about your life)?
Would you think, “Man, everything's going to be okay. I can trust myself and the universe to work everything out. My kids will be okay, I'll figure out my relationship issues, I can stop worrying about money. Phew! what a relief.”
Relief, peace, strength, confidence, trust, delight, joy, calm, curiosity, patience, and love are some of the feelings you might feel.
The truth is, we do have a choice. We make choices every day to worry about the unknown, to see the worst, to expect bad things, to underestimate ourselves and others, to doubt ourselves, and to feel like the world is against us. These things may not feel like a choice because they have become habitual but they are still choices.
I know, and science shows, that whatever you choose to believe is more likely to happen. Whatever you focus on is what you will notice in the world and invite into your life. BUT…
If you can find it within yourself to boldly choose to expect everything to work out, guess what will happen? Things will work out. If you believe you have the strength in trying times, you will find it. If you watch for solutions and people to enter your life when you need them, they will come. This is just how the universe works.
The people with the most fulfilling, expansive lives are simply brave enough to expect good things.
If you want my help doing this and feel you're ready to get unstuck, I invite you to book a free consult call with me HERE or at the link below.
I don't have a crystal ball but I can teach you how to empower yourself and be your own magic.